New soft play facilities at Imperial Apartments

16th August 2021

Caridon Property hosted a launch event on 22nd July 2021 to unveil a newly-created soft play area for residents at Imperial Apartments, Bristol, to mark the continued progress of the development’s second phase. These new on-site facilities were jointly funded by Caridon Property and Bristol City Council and will be integral to the continued success of Imperial Apartments as a place for tenants to call home. The investment highlights Caridon Property’s commitment to creating progressive housing developments that provide solution-oriented housing services and high-quality amenities for the community to enjoy.

The launch event attracted over 85 attendees, including residents, development staff, partner organisations and local authority representatives.

In attendance of the event was Councillor Tom Renhard of Bristol City Council, Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and Homes and ward representative for Horfield. Councillor Renhard marked the opening of the soft play facilities by cutting the official ribbon alongside members of Imperial Apartments’ on-site team and Akeel Alidina, Managing Director.

To celebrate the launch, the Imperial Apartments development team organised a number of activities including face painting, balloon making, resident performances and a bouncy castle for children and families to enjoy. The soft play facilities include a children’s ball pit, slide, climbing frame and a spinning podium with outdoor seating provisions for parents and other residents. Children will also be able to use the development’s new suite of iPad resources for educational purposes, as well as direct access to a secure outdoor space for recreational activities. 

The facilities – designed by indoor facilities creator, Play Creations – span a total of 75 square metres and reinforce Caridon Property’s commitment to investing in the sustainable future of Imperial Apartments. All 120 families currently living in Imperial Apartments’ first phase enjoy equal access to the new soft play facilities. As part of wider plans for phase 2, there is opportunity for further outdoor amenities for everyone to enjoy.

For more information on Imperial Apartments, visit the development’s website:  

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