Caridon Property forms ‘COVID-19 crisis team’ to help the most vulnerable

6th May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has put vulnerable people at even greater risk of poverty and homelessness. In response, Caridon Property, together with the not-for-profit arm of Caridon Group, Caridon Foundation, have pulled their resources together, not only to continue maintaining existing essential services, but to deliver vital additional help to those in need.

On 27 March, the Government gave councils 48 hours to find emergency accommodation for all rough sleepers in England. Staff at Caridon Property worked around the clock to help local authorities in South London fulfil their emergency housing needs.

In conjunction, the services provided by Caridon Foundation, which offers housing related support to tenants that are deemed vulnerable within the community, have become even more critical during the pandemic. Caridon’s COVID-19 Crisis Team have been working to identify the most vulnerable new and existing tenants to ensure they have access to the support they need.

Team Leader, Jane White said: “Although our offices remain closed, our dedicated staff have quickly adapted to working from home. They are going above and beyond the call of duty, working outside their normal hours, to assist people throughout this period of uncertainty and ensure they have access to food, medication and other essential items.

“Ordinarily, our core role is supporting tenants with managing their tenancies, money management and avoiding eviction, but right now basic needs such as access to food, medical supplies and mental health support are our prime focus.”

Caridon’s COVID-19 Crisis Team has:

With further funding, Caridon Foundation hopes to be able to keep providing the additional services they have implemented for at least another month, with the long-term view of linking as many tenants into long-term support and more permanent housing options as possible.

Commenting on the generosity, support and team spirit in the face of adversity, Jane White added: “Last week we received a call about a person in Croydon sleeping rough. Because of the system we have in place, we contacted him and arranged accommodation the very same day, as well as providing a gift voucher to help set him up with basic supplies. When we asked if there was anything he was missing, he just said it was very quiet. That day, one of our team donated a television to him. I received the most wonderful text saying – This is amazing. Now I can start my life again.” 

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