Caridon organises Mobile Vaccination Service in Harlow

9th April 2021

Tenants living at Templefields House and Terminus House in Harlow have been given the opportunity to receive a COVID-19 vaccination on-site at their home thanks to Caridon Property and NHS West Essex Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

Across west Essex, over 100,000 people have already received their first dose of the vaccine. Caridon Property, who had been researching ways to help some of their more vulnerable tenants receive their COVID vaccinations, approached NHS West Essex CCG about the possibility of delivering a mobile vaccination service within the local community.

Mario Carrozzo, CEO at Caridon Property, said: “We have some tenants who had expressed that they did not have the means or desire to travel to a vaccination centre. They may suffer with anxiety or other mental health issues, meaning they have so far avoided taking up the opportunity to be vaccinated. We felt that if tenants did not have to leave home, and our staff, who are all familiar faces to them, were on site, then they may feel more comfortable and so started to look at ways we could facilitate this. We also know many of the tenants have been shielding throughout the pandemic, so having easy access to the vaccine is vital to helping them resume some level of normality.”

After agreeing, West Essex CCG staff went above and beyond to support the set-up, arranging for a team from Lister Medical Centre in Harlow to deliver the service at both sites in Harlow. In total, 70 tenants took up the vaccinations service.

“We would like to thank Ian Tompkins, director of corporate service at West Essex CCG, and his whole team. They really are doing a wonderful job helping to deliver a safe and effective programme that affords local residents access to the vaccine as quickly as possible” adds Mario.

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