Caridon Group CEO, Mario Carrozzo, speaks to Property Week about social housing

25th January 2022

At the end of March 2020, government announced a plan to put a roof over everyone’s head with its ‘Everyone In’ scheme, in response to the COVID pandemic which pushed thousands more people onto the streets. Despite being widely welcomed, it did not provide individuals with a permanent fix. As of January 2021, 37,000 rough sleepers had been given emergency accommodation as part of the initiative but with funding now ended and more than 200,000 families and individuals facing homelessness this Christmas (according to Crisis), focus needs to turn to public-private partnerships who can help alleviate the crisis by delivering interim, permanent and emergency accommodation. Caridon believes that everybody should have a safe, secure and long term place to live and is currently working with over 30 councils to provide a supportive pathway towards housing solutions.

Our Founder and Chief Executive, Mario Carrozzo, recently spoke to Property Week about the issue and why we need social housing.

“Social housing stock continues to fall. In 2019-20, just under 40,000 social homes were sold while almost 5,000 were demolished, according to the ONS. The state of this sector was the basis for Caridon Property’s formation in 2009. Our methodology for delivering housing is aligned to the needs of local authorities.”

Read the full article here

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