Caridon is committed to combatting modern slavery in all its forms. We recognise our responsibility to take a proactive approach to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chains. This statement sets out our commitment to eliminating modern slavery and outlines the steps we are taking to achieve this.
Our Commitment
At Caridon, we are committed to:
- Zero Tolerance: We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking in all our activities and supply chains.
- Compliance: Ensuring compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and other relevant legislation, regulations, and best practices.
- Awareness: Raising awareness among our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders about modern slavery and its impact.
- Risk Assessment: Conducting regular risk assessments of our operations and supply chains to identify and address any potential risks of modern slavery.
- Due Diligence: Implementing robust due diligence processes to assess and monitor our suppliers and business partners.
- Policies and Procedures: Developing and implementing policies and procedures to prevent and detect modern slavery, including whistleblower mechanisms for reporting concerns.
- Training: Providing training to our employees to recognise the signs of modern slavery and understand their role in preventing it.
- Collaboration: Collaborating with government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders to address modern slavery effectively.
- Continuous Improvement: Continuously reviewing and improving our practices to ensure that we remain vigilant against modern slavery.
The responsibility for implementing this policy lies with Senior Management/Board of Directors. They are committed to providing the necessary resources and support to ensure the effective implementation of this policy across the organisation.
Any employee who suspects or becomes aware of any form of modern slavery or human trafficking within our operations or supply chains is encouraged to report it immediately. Reports can be made through our whistleblowing procedures or directly to the Human Resources Department.
This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in legislation, best practices, or our business operations.
We believe that by working together with our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders, we can make a meaningful contribution to the eradication of modern slavery. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and social responsibility in all aspects of our business.